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  01 CMU 学院设置  

卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University,简称CMU)坐落于美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,位列2022 U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第25名,是美国25所新常春藤盟校之一。

Schools and Colleges 学院设置

 College of Engineering

 College of Fine Arts

 Dietrich College of Humanities & Social Sciences

 Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy

 Mellon College of Science

 School of Computer Science

 Tepper School of Business


本篇,我们重点给大家分享一下 卡内基梅隆大学的艺术学院(College of Fine Arts):也可以简称 CFA。



   02 CMU 专业设置   

  CMU 本科专业  

一、School of Architecture 建筑学院

Architecture 建筑专业

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch)5年制)

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (B.A.)4年制)


Minors for Architecture majors

Architectural Design Fabrication 建筑设计基础课

Architectural History 建筑史

Architectural Representation and Visualization

Building Science

Computational Design


Minors for non-Architecture majors


Architectural History

Architectural Representation and Visualization

Architectural Technology

Computational Design


二、School of Art 艺术学院

Art 艺术专业

Bachelor of Fine Arts 纯艺术


Drawing, Painting, Printmaking and Photography: 素描、绘画、版画和摄影

Sculpture, Installation and Site-Work: 雕塑、装置和现场工作

Electronic and Time-Based Media: 电子和媒体形式

Contextual Practice: 情境实践


三、School of Design 设计学院

Design 设计专业

Bachelor of Design





Products 产品





四、School of Drama 戏剧学院

Drama 戏剧

Acting and Music Theater 演艺及音乐剧场

Costume Design 戏服设计

Directing 导演

Dramaturgy 编剧

Lighting Design 灯光设计

Production Technology 制作技术

Scenic Design 场景设计

Sound Design 声音设计

Stage and Production Management 舞台制作与管理

Techinical Direction 技术指导

Video and Media Design 视频与媒体设计


五、School of Music 音乐学院


Bachelor of Fine Arts in Composition 作曲

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Electronic Music 电子音乐

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Instrumental Performance 器乐

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Piano Performance 钢琴

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Vocal Performance 声乐

Bachelor of Science in Music and Technology 音乐与技术

Minor in Collaborative Piano 钢琴小调

Minor in Conducting 指挥

Minor in Music 音乐

Minor in Music Education 音乐教育

Minor in Music Technology 音乐技术

Minor in Music Theory 音乐理论

Minor in Musicology 音乐学



一、School of Architecture 建筑学院

Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD) 高级建筑设计

Master of Architecture (M.Arch) 建筑专业

Architecture-Engineering-Construction Management (MSAECM or PhD-AECM) 

Building Performance & Diagnostics (MSBPD or PhD-BPD)

Computational Design (MSCD or PhD-CD)

Master of Science in Sustainable Design (MSSD)

Master of Urban Design (MUD) 城市设计

Doctor of Design (DDes)


二、School of Art 艺术学院

Master of Fine Arts 纯艺术


三、School of Design 设计学院

Master of Design 设计专业

Master of Professional Studies 

Master of Arts in Design 艺术设计


四、School of Drama 戏剧学院

Costume Design 戏服设计

Costume Production 戏服制作

Dramatic Writing 编剧

The John Wells Directing Fellowship

Lighting Design 灯光设计

Scenic Design 场景设计

Sound Design 声音设计

Stage & Production Management 舞台制作与管理

Technical Direction 技术知道

Video & Media Design 视频与媒体设计


五、School of Music 音乐学院

Graduate Programs 硕士课程


Master of Music 音乐专业

Music & Technology 音乐技术

Music Education 音乐教育


Certificate Programs 证书课程


Advanced Music Studies 高级音乐研究

Music Education Certification 音乐教育


Artist Diploma


Artist Diploma 


六、Arts & Entertainment Management

Master of Arts Management (MAM) 艺术管理

Master of Entertainment Industry Management (MEIM) 娱乐产业管理

MAM - GIOCA (Dual Degree with University of Bologna, Italy)

MAM - JD (Dual Degree with University of Pittsburgh)

MAM Accelerated Master's Program

MEIM Accelerated Master's Program


七、Dean's Office Minors

Minor in the History of Arts 艺术史

Minor in Photography 摄影


   03 特色专业:交叉学科   

卡内基梅隆大学鼓励学生打破传统学科束缚,在 交叉学科(inter-disciplinary) 领域探索和研究而举世闻名。为各个领域的学生提供了广阔的训练机会。


CMU 官网

BXA Intercollege Degree Programs 交叉学科项目

Undergraduate Programs


Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts (BCSA)

Bachelor of Humanities and Arts (BHA)

Bachelor of Science and Arts (BSA)

Additional Major in Engineering and Arts (EA)


Arts & Entertainment Management

Graduate Programs


Master of Arts Management (MAM)

Master of Entertainment Industry Management (MEIM)

MAM - GIOCA (Dual Degree with University of Bologna, Italy)

MAM - JD (Dual Degree with University of Pittsburgh)

MAM Accelerated Master's Program

MEIM Accelerated Master's Program


Dean's Office Minors


Minor in the History of Arts

Minor in Photography

学校内设有独特的跨学科项目:Master of Entertainment Technology(ETC,由计算机科学学院和艺术学院共同组建的娱乐科技中心,娱乐科技硕士)、Master of Science in Music and Technology(由计算机学院和音乐学院合办)、Master of Engineering & Technology Innovation Management(工程与科技创新管理硕士)等。


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