
2022-12-27 10:36 免费咨询:400 696 6006







Undergraduate courses


○ BA (Hons) Fashion Photography 时尚摄影

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Sportswear 时尚运动服

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Imaging and Illustration 时尚插画

○ BSc (Hons) Fashion Management 时尚管理

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing 时尚营销

○ MSc Strategic Fashion Management 时尚管理策略

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Embroidery 纺织品设计:刺绣

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Print 纺织品设计:印花

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Womenswear 女装

○ MSc Cosmetic Science 化妆品学科

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Public Relations and Communication 时尚公关和传媒

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Development 时尚设计与开发

○ BA (Hons) Cordwainers Footwear 制鞋

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Buying and Merchandising 时尚买手

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Jewellery 时尚珠宝

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Visual Merchandising and Branding 时尚视觉营销与品牌

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles: Knit 针织

○ BA (Hons) Critical Practice in Fashion Media 时尚媒体批判

○ BA (Hons) Creative Direction for Fashion 时尚创意指导

○ BSc (Hons) Psychology of Fashion 时尚心理学

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Pattern Cutting 时尚剪裁

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Contour 时尚内衣设计

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Menswear 男装

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Production 时尚造型与制作

○ BA (Hons) Hair, Make-up and Prosthetics for Performance 表演艺术化妆与造型

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Journalism and Content Creation 时装新闻学和内容创作

○ BA (Hons) Cordwainers Fashion Bags and Accessories 时尚手袋与配饰设计

○ BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Fashion 时尚化妆与发型

○ BA (Hons) 3D Effects for Performance and Fashion 时尚与舞台表演3D特效

○ BA (Hons) Costume for Performance 戏服设计

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Consumer Behaviour 时尚营销与消费者行为

○ BA (Hons) Bespoke Tailoring 高级定制

○ BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Content Creation 时尚营销与内容创作




Postgraduate courses


○ MA Fashion Photography 时尚摄影

○ MA Fashion Futures 时尚未来

○ MA Strategic Fashion Marketing 战略时尚营销

○ MA Footwear 时尚制鞋

○ MA Fashion Journalism 时尚新闻

○ Graduate Diploma Fashion Management 时尚管理文凭课程

○ MA Strategic Fashion Marketing (online)

○ MA Fashion Design Management 时尚设计管理

○ MA Innovative Fashion Production 创新时尚制造

○ MA Fashion Artefact (Low Residency)

○ MA Fashion Artefact 时尚配饰

○ PG Cert Fashion: Buying and Merchandising 时尚买手与行销

○ MA Fashion, Film and Digital Production 时尚电影与数码制作

○ MA Fashion Design Technology (Womenswear) 女装

○ MA Fashion Entrepreneurship and Innovation 时尚创业与创新

○ MA Fashion Curation and Cultural Programming 时尚策展

○ MA Fashion Design Technology (Menswear) 男装

○ MA Global Fashion Retailing 时尚零售管理

○ Graduate Diploma Fashion Design Technology (Low Residency) 

○ MA Fashion Cultures and Histories 时尚文化与历史

○ Graduate Diploma Fashion Design Technology 服装设计技术

○ LCF MBA 时尚管理

○ MSc Fashion Analytics and Forecasting 时尚分析及预测

○ MA Fashion Marketing and Sustainability 时尚营销与可持续发展

○ MA Costume Design for Performance 戏服设计

○ MA Pattern and Garment Technology 版型与成衣工艺专业

○ MA Fashion Media and Communication 时尚媒体与传播

○ MSc Applied Psychology in Fashion 时尚心理学

○ MA Fashion Textiles Technologies 纺织品技术

○ MA Fashion Marketing and Global Cultures 时尚营销与全球文化





更多 LCF专业详情、留学费用、申请要求、艺术作品集 ,点击 伦敦时装学院 获取更多最新院校信息。